Sawston Village History Society

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September 2006 Meeting Report

The September meeting, as usual was the AGM. As there were no alternative nominations for Committee members, the existing Committee were unanimously re-elected. So Mary Dicken remains the President and Chairman, Eric Jacobs the Treasurer and Liz Dockerill the Secretary. Bryan Howe fulfils the role of archivist and has been especially busy collating and archiving documents, photos and printed information relating to Sawston at the Sawston Heritage Centre at the new Sawston Parish Council offices in Link Road. Mary also welcomed two new committee members, Anita Evans who had been co-opted in June and Jim Wilson.

In the past year there has been a variety of speakers on a range of subjects, summaries of which can be seen on this SVHS website. There was a suggestion from the floor to have a greater proportion of topics more locally orientated. Members were invited to submit suggestions to the Secretary for the Programme Committee's consideration. Some members attending the meeting expressed an interest in an organised visit to Easton Lodge Gardens which was the subject for our April meeting.

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