January 9th - Life in Tudor Cambridge
Speaker: Honor Ridout
February 13th - Cambridge Instruments Company
Speaker: Alan Osborne
An insight into the workings of this well known company famous for making precision scientific measuring instruments
March 13th - The History of the Air Defences of Great Britain
Speaker: Andrew Little
April 10th - Bygones Collection
Speaker: Derek Cornell
Come and be fascinated by Derek's collection of everyday bygones. 'Oh yes, my Granny had one of those ...'
May 8th - The Inns and Outs of Pub Names
Speaker: Mark Andrew Pardoe
A historical look at why public houses are called what they are
June 12th - The Events Leading to the First World War
Speaker: Dr Anthony Cooper
Growing conflicts between allies and Germany which led to the beginning of the Great War in 1914
July 10th - outing to Bridge End Gardens, Saffron Walden
Guide: Mark Ropkins
No Meeting
September 11th - Annual General Meeting
Your chance to find out what's been happening behind the scenes and to suggest speakers for the next year's programme
October 9th - Trumpington Meadows and the Trumpington Cross
Speaker: Alison Dickens
The archaeology of Trumpington Meadows and the discovery of the rare Anglo-Saxon Trumpington Cross
November 13th - A Family History
Speaker: Martyn Northfield
A Family History through an Eastman-Kodak link and mention of Dufay Colour
December 11th - Members' Evening
Members are invited to give a short presentation on a topic of their choice